Northern Rivers field day reminder - March 2021

Field Day 28th March 2021

The next field day will be on 28th March at the home of Meg Winterford and William Brener, 60 Codrington Lane, near Coraki. Meg and William have two Langstroth hives. The main activities will be to discuss extraction techniques and to inspect those hives. Meg also has an interesting garden.

Bring your beekeeping gear. The club will provide sterilised hive tools and gloves for the demonstrators.

The day will commence at 9.30am with a welcome by the President, and the beekeeping activities will start at 10.30am. Lunch of sausages and salad will be served at about 12.30pm, and the raffle will be held before the end of the day at 1.30pm.

All attendees are asked to bring either a morning tea item or a salad for lunch. As a guide, bring enough for twice the size of your group. Male beekeepers in particular note, we need more salads! Lunch will cost $5.

In the past, the club has always relied on lunch payments and the raffle to provide funds for the operation of the club. So raffle items are always appreciated. Raffle tickets will cost $2, and you could win big.

So, remember to bring

  • Salads/morning tea

  • Raffle items

  • Chairs

  • Nametags


Property is at 60 Codrington Lane, near Coraki.

From Coraki, head towards Casino. About 4 km from Coraki, pass Reynolds Road on the left, proceed about another kilometre, and turn into Codrington lane on the right. Almost immediately after turning, take the second entrance on the right, go along a tree and bush lined driveway for about 1 km. There are two residences at the end; Meg and William’s place is the one on the right.

From Casino, proceed towards Coraki. After you pass Baillie’s Lane on the left, turn into Codrington Lane on the left.

Look for the bee signs.

Please be considerate when you park.

Northern Rivers newsletter - March 2021

Northern Rivers newsletter - March 2021

I noticed today the first flowering on the Lilli Pilli. This is a tree/shrub that flowers in a number of bursts. The pollen and nectar are handy at this time of year. The plant is not all that widespread in the wild, mostly growing on or close to watercourses. It is rather popular as a garden plant these days and will tolerate pruning to be turned into a hedge.