With the weather getting cooler it is now a good time to clean up equipment and around the hives. Speaking from experience, it is much easier to fit wax to clean frames than have to clean the frames first, especially when you are in a hurry to do your hives, finding them full and then needing to put in more foundation!
Mid North Coast newsletter - June 2017
Illawarra field day reminder - June 2017
Field Day: Sunday 25 June 2017
It's that time of year that you should make sure your bees have what they need for the winter period so feeding is an option for some beekeepers. This month we will look at this topic plus bee diseases and some more info on bee-friendly gardening.
- the shop will be open from approx 9.30AM
- the meeting starts at 10.00AM in the clubhouse
- if weather permits we may inspect beehives in the apiary
- please bring along your beekeeping protective clothing, if you don't have an outfit we can provide you one for the event
Macarthur Beekeepers notice
New Country of Origin Food Labelling Law – free webinar for businesses
At 6:30pm on Thursday 22 June AEST the ACCC, along with representatives from peak industry groups, will be streaming a free webinar on the new law. The webinar will focus on the practical issues for businesses complying with the new food labelling requirements before they become mandatory on 1 July 2018.
The webinar will address the following questions:
- Who needs to make a country of origin claim?
- What do 'grown', 'produced', 'made' and 'packed' mean?
- When can I make a 'made in' claim?
- How do I calculate the percentage of Australian content in my products?
- How will the new requirements be enforced?
Register now to participate.
Northern Rivers newsletter - June 2017
Illawarra newsletter - June 2017
Parramatta newsletter - June 2017
In this Issue
- Get Well Ross!
- Beekeeping Registration Requirements
- June Club Event – Honey – could it be the sweet solution to the superbug crisis?
- May Club Event – The Beevangelist - Summary
- Autumn / Winter hive management
- Ten important things EVERY beekeeper should know and do
- 2017 Quick Reference to key position holder’s contacts
- St Ives Show – Summary
- Club Library Update
- Fascinating facts about bees!
- Beekeeper Training Available
- Club Shop
- ABA Fees 2017
- What’s in store for 2017?
Mid North Coast newsletter - May 2017
Bega Valley newsletter - May 2017
Bega Valley Amateur Beekeepers Inc.
May 2017 Members Update
Hello fellow beekeepers!
Just in case you missed the last meeting….
Guest speaker Adrian Iodice’s fascinating insights into Heater Bees
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been a beekeeper, there’s always something more to learn; and hearing about the existence and role of heater bees was astounding. Adrian described the ground breaking research by Jurgen Tautz in his book “The Buzz About Bees”. Tautz has found that some bees are able to raise their body temperatures about 10 degrees C higher than normal bees by using rapid muscle contractions. Each of these bees then presses its thorax against the top of a developing capped pupa, keeping it warm.
What’s even more interesting is that the empty cells we often see in brood nests are used by heater bees. After warming their abdomens, some of the bees climb head-first into these cells where they remain about 30 minutes, or until their bodies drop back down to a normal temperature. A heater bee tucked down in one of the empty cells is even more effective at distributing heat to the developing pupae.
Something you may have noticed in your own hives are darker cells within the brood nest which contain a liquid. No it’s not some slimy disease – in a healthy hive it’s likely to be a honey well which is the fuel source for heater bees. According to an article on this topic in HoneyBeeSuite – A better way to Bee, beekeepers have often been selecting against queens who leave empty cells in the brood area – believing them to be of inferior quality. It seems this isn’t necessarily so.
Members were riveted by the presentation. Adrian’s parting advice is to be cautious about opening up the brood box too often – twice should be enough for a regular health check.
Member Resources
The committee has decided to increase the number of hard copy beekeeping resources available to members. Publications will be available at monthly meetings and these can be borrowed for a month. Members will need to record their loans in a library register which will be kept with resources. Loans will be on an honesty basis so please remember to return borrowed material at the following meeting.
New committee email addresses
Please note the following change in email addresses:
BegaValley.president@beekeepers.asn.au Lyall Zweck
BegaValley.vicepresident@beekeepers.asn.au John Fuary
BegaValley.secretary@beekeepers.asn.au Suellen O’Brien
BegaValley.treasurer@beekeepers.asn.au Sandy Farrell
BegaValley.publicity@beekeepers.asn.au Fay Steward
BegaValley.ord1@beekeepers.asn.au Tim Crisp
BegaValley.ord2@beekeepers.asn.au Garry Mallard
Bega Beekeepers now on Facebook
The growing trend for many clubs is the use of Facebook to share information with members. This doesn’t mean members will have to sign up to Facebook – it simply gives the opportunity for members who do use Facebook to share information with others about beekeeping which they think may be of interest. Garry Mallard will act as administrator and send members information about how the site will be managed and the process for uploading information.
Biosecurity News
The Department of Primary Industries has approached the club regarding monitoring of sentinel hives at Eden. This is an important part of the region’s biosecurity strategy; particularly in the detection of the Varroa mite. Discussions are in progress and we’ll keep members posted on the outcome.
June Meeting Learning Topic
Sandy Farrell will give a presentation about registering your hive with DPI and media
resources for beekeepers.
Club Apiary
A working bee at the apiary on Saturday 13th May saw completion of the hive pad and fencing. Many thanks to Graham, Lyall, John F, Damian, Margaret, and Suellen, for their efforts. Both hives are doing well and have taken to the sugar blocks prepared by Garry. Thanks to Graham and Jan for the great morning tea.
Tip for the month
Lyall said “I keep one of my old, dirty brood combs with my swam catching kit. If you can’t easily knock the swarm into your box, hold the comb close to the swarm and a quantity of the bees will enthusiastically move onto the old comb. Put this into your box and before long those bees will be calling to the others to join them inside your box.”
If you have some useful tips to share for the next edition of Members Update please email them to BegaValley.publicity@beekeepers.asn.au
Buy Swap Sell
Nothing this month.
Club Equipment for Hire
- Frame wiring jig eyelet tool, embedder and battery - $5 hire charge per session (being Friday to Sunday night, and Monday to Thursday night). Contact Fay on BegaValley.publicity@beekeepers.asn.au or 0423889486
- Honey extractor - $15 hire charge and $20 deposit with the same hiring sessions as above. Contact Garry at BegaValley.ord2@beekeepers.asn.au
Next meeting:
13th June 2017 – The learning topic for June will “Registering your hive with the NSW DPI” and “Media resources for beekeepers”. Once again anyone who can bring a contribution to supper will be much appreciated.
All the best in beekeeping!
Fay Steward
Publicity Officer
Northern Rivers newsletter - May 2017
Hello fellow beekeepers,
I thought in my first President’s Report that I would introduce myself. “I’ve been stung by the honey bee.”
I joined this fantastic club four years ago, and was overwhelmed by the kindness and support from all the wonderful people that form it. I participated in the bee course the club holds at regular intervals and that was it – I had to have bees and couldn’t wait to get my first hive.