There was an excited crowd for the first ever club meeting ( in the editor”s memory) at Byron Bay, and it lived up to expectations. It was a beautiful day, and the home was set in what could be described as a tropical paradise.
Macarthur newsletter - March 2016
Mid North Coast newsletter - February 2016
Northern Rivers newsletter - February 2016
Melaleuca quinquinervia or common paperbark has excellent pollen and honey; it has a number of sequential flowerings during Autumn (now?). Hives working the flow have a very characteristic strong smell when ripening the nectar ( my nose says the smell has a sour component—ed.)
The white one is common along our coast, and the red one can be bought from nurseries.
Also, it is one of the best sources of smoker fuel, as long as the paperbark is dried out for a long period in the shed and kept dry.